Website Errors

When I have an error or glitch, I try and write a reminder of what I’ve done, just in case it ever happens again (I forget). Now where was I..?

CSS – Fly Out Menu Cut Off

Flyout Menu Cut Off Example
The image below shows a responsive web page where the menu changes from a horizontal menu to a vertical menu depending on the screen size. The horizontal menu worked fine, […]

My Embedded YouTube Video Player Will Not Work in IOS

I have a website where my embedded YouTube videos would not work on my iPad or iPhone! I kept getting the error “an error occurred please try again later”. […]

How to Fix New Coverage Issue Detected for Site

I’d received an email notification by the Google Search Console Team, that I had a “new coverage issue detected” on my site. I followed the link ‘Fix Coverage issues’ at […]

Emails Not Working After my Web Hosting was Migrated to a New Server (Solved)

The Web Hosting provider I use, moved my website to another server (as the server had reached its ‘end of life’). The website domain I use is held with different […]

JavaScript Network Error: 404 Not Found

“Network Error: 404 Not Found –”. I received this Java script error when inserting a jssor slider into my site (this was identified using ‘Firebug’ in the Firefox browser). […]

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